The only active calendar for tracking the launch of new top-level domains.

Sunrises Starting Soon

Sunrises Ending Soon

General Availability

Who Is Calzone For

Calzone is for anyone who wants to track the key milestones and deadlines of top-level-domains. Users can receive daily alerts via their personal calendar or email address by launch milestone, industry category or IDN language script.

Calzone works with any calendar that supports the 'iCalendar' protocol, including calendars from Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo running on any computer, smart-phone or tablet.

Keep Informed - Top Three Questions

Calzone helps ensure that you do not miss any critical deadlines for new TLDs.

  1. What is starting soon? For Start Date Sunrises and the start of first-come, first-serve General Availability
  2. What is ending soon? For End Date Sunrises and Landrushes that allocate domains at the end of the period
  3. What is new? Follow our Twitter Feed for all newly added milestones and events

You can answer these questions by visiting Calzone every day. Even better, subscribe to the Calzone active calendar and have updates and alerts sent directly to your personal calendar and mailbox.

Calzone Announcements

  • February 4, 2014 Calzone Calendar Launch Announcement
  • April 28, 2014 Calzone Now Supports ccTLD Registries

TLD Registry News

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